Softball Infield Drills – Wild Pitch Runner On Third

March 27, 2012 at 4:01 pm | Posted in fielding, Pitching | Leave a comment

Purpose: To develop tactics for handling a wild pitch with a runner on third base. A  softball pitching tip to remember is to practice pitchers to defend as well.

Procedure: This drill needs a softball and gloves. Situate the fielding team in their regular positions. Put a base runner on third. The coach places a softball somewhere behind the catcher without the catcher knowing where. On the “go” command the base runner sprints for home plate. The catcher turns to locate the softball, and the pitcher runs to cover home plate. When the catcher locates the ball, he turns and tosses it to the pitcher covering home. The pitcher tags the sliding runner with the ball.

This situation occurs in almost every youth softball game and is very rarely practiced. This is an easy drill to set up and if practiced correctly, can prepare players for real game situations.

1 While running to cover home plate, the pitcher should yell to the catcher where the ball is if the catcher has trouble locating it.

2. The catcher should concentrate only on locating the ball. After doing so, he should turn and toss !he ball underhand and low to the pitcher so that the pitchers glove will be in a good position to tag the sliding base runner.

3. The pitcher should concentrate on catching the ball before turning toward the base runner.
Because this is practice, the base runner should, at first, slow up a few feet before reaching home plate so that fielders can effectively practice the drill.

4. When this play occurs, either In practice or in a game, the second baseman should move to the base of the plate to back up the toss to the pitcher. This backup can prevent additional runs if the catcher overthrows the Loss to the pitcher and there is more than one runner on base.

5. Rotate all of the pitchers and catchers in this drill.

Softball Baserunning Drills – Run at Base Runner

March 27, 2012 at 3:59 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Purpose: To familiarize fielders with the “two players on one base” game situation. One softball fielding tip is to give game situation drills to help players develop instincts on the field.
Procedure: This drill will be needing a softball and gloves All infielders play in their usual positions except the shortstop. The shortstop plays 15 feet in front of the usual position.
Two base runners stand between second and third base, approximately 10 feet from one another.
Without the shortstop looking (she shouldn’t turn around, the two base runners should locate themselves in an odd, yet common,softball. situation such as (1) the one mentioned above or (2) two players on one base. Youth players tend to make all kinds of base running errors that are so unusual that fielders are not sure what to do. This drill teaches the fielders to pursue the lead runner. The coach stands in front of the shortstop and directs both runners. He can direct both back toward second or both toward third. He can tell the lead runner to go to third and the trail runner to go to second. He can also keep base runners where they are.
The coach gives the ball to the shortstop and tells him to go after the lead runner. On the “go” command, the shortstop turns around. The base runners break (or stay still) according to the direction given.
The shortstop runs at the lead runner and/or throws to the lead base, depending on how close he is to the base runner and how close the base runner is to the lead base. If the shortstop is close enough to the runner to run him down and tag him, he should do so. However, if the shortstop is unable to catch the runner, then he should throw to the lead base.
In the drill, the two base runners serve as a distraction as the fielder faces the “two players on one base” situation.
1. The fielders must always run at the lead runner.
2. Once the lead runner commits to a base, the fielder should try to run him down.
3. If the fielder cannot catch the runner, he should throw to the lead base.
4. Give each infielder a chance to perform this drill as a runner and as a fielder.
5. Teach outfielders to move in when they sse this situation so they can serve as a backup.

This drill has many variations: two players on the same base, two play between first and second, two- players between second and third, and two players between third and home.

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